Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Bastion is a game developed by Supergiant Games and published by Warner Bros in 2011. It has an E-rating and available on the PC and Xbox 360 as an action-adventure RPG. If you remember any of the games from back in the day, then you will remember how easy it was to pick up the controller and just start playing. Well, it is just as easy getting into this game. Using just six buttons on the 360, Bastion will take you back to the days of the SNES. I remember a game called Secrets of Mana, and specifically remember how many different colors it had in it.
 Bastion definitely compares to it and with the retro style they went with. Bastion has great graphics quality and I think it helps a lot being sixty frames a second, although it doesn’t seem like the player’s character is. The music in Bastion is perfect for the games entirety; from the moment The Kid wakes up and the first boss fight you know where you are in the story. Every moment you spend in the game, emotions are all expressed through the music. The music even perfectly fits the theme for the game. I enjoy the narrator of Bastion, speaking to the player as if telling them a story.
 Bastion takes you back the retro games you remember and loved playing at a younger age, and I am glad it did well at being the game that the developers wanted and that the consumers wanted. This game is very enjoyable to play and the story is extremely easy to just bury yourself into. This game is a must play and there really isn’t anything for the players to complain about.

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